Bazopoulou Lab

Biology Of Stress And Aging

We do science to advance our understanding of the mechanistic basis of the aging process driven by the central question: What makes young, healthy organisms become older and frailer? Are there early life events that determine the rate at which individuals age and the onset of age-related pathologies? How early and by what means we can intervene to promote health and longevity?

Our research focuses on stress-signaling pathways that are triggered by environmental and internal perturbations. We primarily exploit the utility of genetics, biochemistry and amenability to large-scale chemical screens of C. elegans and a framework to later translate findings into mammalian systems.


Dr. Daphne Bazopoulou
Assistant Professor
Department of Biology
University of Crete
Voutes University Campus
“Fotis Kafatos” Building
70013 Heraklion, Crete, GR
Lab: E.132/ Office: Γ208γ
Lab Ph.: +30 2810 394052
Office Ph.: +30 2810 394363

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